Miss Defenestrator

Sunday, November 06, 2011

Five Years Later

...or however long it has actually been since I posted here last. Still, I've decided to reclaim the blog, though am somewhat amused by my high school senior pretentions to current affair commentary. Needless to say, that's no longer what I'm going to be blogging about. Given that no one's reading this other than me, I am giving myself the liberty to write about whatever the hell I want. And I'm not the teacher's pet 17 year old that I was when I started this blog, so there.

I am 23 years old. I still live in Sydney (though a very different Sydney to the sheltered Northern Beaches I grew up in). I'm married. I'm somewhat fucked up (not just certifiable, but actually certified), and I think I'm in the process of dropping out of uni. Oh, and we've just bought a house.

I'm probably going to write a fair bit about the whole house thing. It's pretty cool, I'm only 23 and I've already mortgaged my soul away to a slightly B-grade financial institution in return for a house that no one can kick us out of. I can plant fruit trees, and still be there when they start fruiting three years later. I can buy a cat.

We're not there yet. In the next month we need to pack up our life and material (and emotional?) baggage. But then... a new beginning.



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